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Our mission

Cancer Grand Challenges' mission is to empower the global research community to come together, to think differently and to solve cancer’s toughest challenges, to transform outcomes for people affected by cancer.

A global problem

As a society, we’ve made tremendous strides against cancer. But many complex research problems continue to impede progress. No single researcher, institution or country can overcome these challenges alone. 

A global solution

We believe radical progress against cancer requires a global community of elite researchers to collaborate across disciplines and borders, with a relentless focus on finding solutions for the toughest problems in cancer research. To do this we: 

  • Lead a global debate.

By convening world-leading scientists in the cancer community we pinpoint cancer’s most complex challenges. 

  • Make important and transformative discoveries. 

Providing scale, time and freedom will empower the teams we fund to make progress against the challenge.

  • Accelerate the translation of discoveries for public and patient benefit. 

Through expertise, support and funds, we protect and translate breakthroughs from our teams with the goal of transforming outcomes for people affected by cancer. 

  • Harness the collective power of our global community. 

That’s why we’re building a unique community of scientific thought-leaders, researchers, advocates, funding partners, philanthropists and innovators, united in the shared ambition to take on cancer’s most complex challenges.

Professor Judy Garber at a Scientific Committee meeting, to set our 2023 challenges

Find out how we identify the most complex problems in cancer research, and then commit to funding teams to tackle them.

MERFISH Whole mouse brain cell atlas
Learn about the ambitious challenges we've posed to the global research community.
Spatial proteomics analysis of human pancreas tissue
Explore how our first round of funded teams pushed the boundaries of cancer research and delivered progress against their challenges.