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Modern Slavery Statement

Read about our Modern Slavery Statement

Like all registered charities, Cancer Research UK is regulated by the Charity Commission.


Cancer Research UK (CRUK) is the world's leading charity dedicated to cancer research. All our activities are directed towards our ultimate goal of beating cancer.

Cancer Research UK's sustainability aims and objectives are shaped by the three pillars of sustainability - social, environmental and economic.

Our sustainability team are dedicated to managing the impacts of our UK offices, retail shops and our employees, in terms of energy consumption, water usage, waste, recycling, staff business travel and supply chain.

Modern Slavery Statement

At Cancer Research UK we’re committed to continuously improving our practices to identify and eliminate any slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chains, and to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships.

Cancer Research UK continuously reviews and seeks to mitigate risks in relation to suppliers who operate in areas where there may be modern slavery risks in the supply chain.

Please take a moment to read Cancer Research UK’s Modern Slavery Statement.

See previous reports