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Patient advocacy

Patient advocacy is embedded into our work, maximising its potential to benefit people affected by cancer.

The role of patient advocates

At Cancer Grand Challenges, it’s vital that the work we do translates into tangible impact for people affected by cancer around the world. 

Patient advocates help to inform our research and foster important discussions that ensure that patients and the public are positively impacted by our work. They are embedded into the teams who apply to take on the challenges we set and are important members of the teams we fund to address cancer’s toughest challenges. To date, we have had over 70 advocates as part of our funded teams. They provide invaluable feedback on proposed approaches to involvement and engagement with patients and the public more broadly. 

The patient advocates are guided by our Advocacy Panel, chaired by Margaret Grayson MBE, who have an instrumental role in shaping how we embed advocacy within the Cancer Grand Challenges initiative.

What is patient involvement and engagement?

Involvement ensures that the patient's voice is listened to and reflected in our scientific strategy, helping to make sure all of our research, whether basic or translational, remains focused on the benefit of people affected with cancer. 

Engagement guarantees the sharing of research information and knowledge with other advocates and the wider public, with patient advocates involved in the design and delivery of engagement activities.

Cancer Grand Challenges Advocacy Panel

Our Advocacy Panel ensures that the patient's voice and experience is at the heart of everything we do.
Meet the Advocacy Panel
Members of Advocacy Panel