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CyCIF imaging of TNBC patient derived xenografts after treatment with EZH2 and AKT inhibitors displaying expression of luminal marker CK8 (magenta) and the apoptosis marker cleaved PARP (yellow)

Combination is key in triple negative breast cancer

New findings from team SPECIFICANCER

Today Cancer Grand Challenges team SPECIFICANCER published its findings in Nature, ‘AKT and EZH2 inhibitors kill TNBCs by hijacking mechanisms of involution. The work, led by future leader Amy Schade in the lab of Karen Cichowski at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) and Harvard Medical School, is bringing hope of targeted combination therapies for triple negative breast cancer (TNBC). We talk to Amy and Karen about the paradigms emerging from the team’s work across multiple tumour types, and Amy’s hopes of starting her own lab. 

Paving the way for a new era of precision oncology

Team SPECIFICANCER group photo

In 2019 SPECIFICANCER was funded by Cancer Research UK and The Mark Foundation for Cancer Research, through Cancer Grand Challenges, to tackle the tissue specificity challenge. The team set out to dissect the mechanisms underlying the tissue-specific manifestation of cancer-causing mutations, in the hopes of developing therapeutic interventions specifically tailored to tumour type. And now the team have done exactly that, finding a combination of inhibitors, targeting both epigenetic and oncogenic pathways, drives differentiation to enable hijacking of tissue-specific cell death pathways in TNBC.

Towards addressing the tissue specificity challenge, Karen Cichowski’s and Kristian Helin’s labs focused on understanding why the major epigenetic regulator Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 (PRC2) is oncogenic in some tissues but tumour suppressive in others. The team reasoned that as TNBC is a particularly undifferentiated tumour type, with most tumours being in a basal like state, that perhaps if they were able to reprogram cell state, the tumours might become sensitive to more standard targeted agents. Amy Schade, first author of the Nature paper, joined Karen’s lab as a post doc in 2019. She explains the rationale behind the team’s thinking, ‘We know that while the PI3K/AKT pathway is activated in the majority of TNBC's, inhibitors of PI3K/AKT are ineffective. But they are effective in hormone receptor positive (HR+) luminal breast cancer and in fact they're approved in combination with an oestrogen receptor antagonist.’

Driving differentiation

CyCIF imaging of TNBC patient derived xenografts displaying expression of basal marker CK14 (cyan) after placebo control treatment
CyCIF imaging of TNBC patient derived xenografts displaying expression of basal marker CK14 (cyan) after placebo control treatment

Amy set out to see if she could convert basal like TNBC tumours to a more luminal like state, by inhibiting EZH2, the histone methyltransferase and catalytic component of PRC2, and thereby sensitise the cells to AKT inhibitors. To the team’s surprise, while either EZH2 or AKT inhibitors had minimal effects alone, together they induced rapid cell death.

Excitingly, when the team translated this to preclinical models of TNBC, including patient derived xenografts, they again observed that the single agents exerted only very modest, if any, effect on tumour proliferation, whereas the combination induced rapid and durable tumour regression. Using multiplexing cyclic immunofluorescence (CycIF) imaging in collaboration with the Santagata lab at BWH, Amy could visualise a dramatic shift in differentiation, with apoptotic markers appearing shortly thereafter. That the combination induces such rapid cell death is perhaps why this approach is so effective, meaning tumour cells don’t have chance to adapt to the treatment before cell death is induced.  

Combination is key

Amy went on to dissect the molecular mechanisms of why the combination of inhibitors is required. Normally EZH2 mediated H3K27 methylation keeps the loci of GATA3, the primary driver of luminal differentiation, and BMF, a pro-apoptotic BCL-2 family protein, closed. But as Karen explains, ‘When you remove that repressive mark with an EZH2 inhibitor, you open up the loci, but these genes are still not transcribed. You really need the AKT inhibitor, which in the case of GATA3 activates FOXO1, allows it to enter the nucleus and induce the transcription of GATA3, to drive luminal differentiation.

Differentiation is critical for allowing cell death to occur, which is ultimately triggered by  BMF induction, stimulated by the IL6-JAK1-STAT3 pathway. To upregulate the IL6 cytokine, the EZH2 and AKT inhibitors synergise to activate STING and TBK1, with each inhibitor acting at different points of this axis.

As well as identifying the cooperation of EZH2 and AKT in TNBC, the paper also identifies the convergence of these pathways in the involution process, the tissue specific cell death pathway, which occurs in the mammary gland upon the cessation of lactation. It was surprising to Amy that this normal and highly orchestrated pathway is still intact in TNBC cells, let alone that it can be hijacked by the inhibitors.  

Emerging concepts of tissue specificity

These concepts hold true in other tumour types, with the SPECIFICANCER team already publishing findings from colorectal cancer in Cancer Discovery earlier this year. However, in the colon EZH2 inhibitors cooperate with RAS pathway inhibitors, as opposed to AKT inhibitors, to suppress Wnt signalling and drive differentiation from a stem-like to an epithelial state before inducing cell death. In other words, the PRC2 complex cooperatively functions with the critical tissue-specific oncogenes in different tumour types to regulate pathways that are important for that particular tissue, and changes in cell state can be exploited across tissues to enable cell death. The work in colon was carried out by Patrick Loi and Amy in Karen’s lab in parallel to the work in TNBC, allowing the co-first authors to see patterns emerging in the different tissues. Amy explains, ‘Although there are clearly different responses in different tissues, and different driving oncogenes, there appears to be a paradigm as to how EZH2 inhibitors contribute to therapeutic responses. EZH2 inhibitors relieve the repression of critical genes, but you need the additional stimulus of the inhibitor of the oncogenic kinase to fully activate transcription and the therapeutic response. And in both cases we found that this converged on the pro-apoptotic protein BMF, which we think is serving as a cell state and/or stress sensor that triggers cell death in response to these drug combinations.’

Karen highlights that in the colon the combination of epigenetic and oncogenic inhibitors may also be co-opting a normal tissue-specific mechanism of cell death, ‘It's actually thought that as cells differentiate and then migrate up and out of the intestinal crypts, that towards the villus tips, they start expressing BMF. So we think a normal mechanism of cell death is again been hijacked.’ 

In colorectal cancer, a complicated and plastic tumour type, the input of Owen Sansom and Kevin Haigis from SPECIFICANCER was critical, with Kristian Helin’s lab being instrumental for all of the EZH2 projects. The team has more work in other tissue types to come, which reinforces the paradigms governing tissue specificity that the team have identified. Karen emphasises ‘We think EZH2 is acting as an epigenetic insulator. In other words, the PRC2 complex instructs tissue-specific oncogenes by cooperatively regulating cell state, and also reinforces the effects of specific oncogenes in different tissues by cooperatively preventing apoptosis.’ 

Poised for clinical trials

The SPECIFICANCER team is currently working with clinical colleagues and companies to develop clinical trials. The team’s patient advocates were critical in the team pursuing their combinatory approach, as Karen emphasises, ‘One of the things that the SPECIFICANCER patient advocates were very excited about was the idea that this could ultimately provide a therapeutic option that does not require chemotherapy’.

With the exception of BRCA positive patients, there are no approved targeted therapies, so this may open a whole new avenue of exploration for the development of targeted therapies in TNBC.


And the team’s work explains why TNBC’s have been so refractory to approaches targeting these pathways individually. Karen highlights, Companies are often wary of drugs that don't have any single agent activity. While you may not see single agent activity in this disease, when combined you see this impressive synergy for reasons that we can mechanistically explain. I think that it's a missed opportunity if we don't go after these types of combinations.’

Predicting response

Collaborating with the lab of Simon Knott at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, through a DOD-funded Transformative Breast Cancer Consortium Award, the team also developed a classifier to predict which TNBC patients would be responsive to combined EZH2 and AKT inhibition by using machine learning. The classifier is a transcriptional signature based on the baseline epigenetic state of the tumour cells. The team hope to incorporate this into clinical trials, with the approach currently requiring RNA sequencing of patient tumour biopsies. The team also identified that non-responsive TNBC cells could be sensitised by forced expression of GATA3, the key driver of differentiation, in combination with STING agonists, triggering IL6 expression and subsequent upregulation of BMF and cell death. This finding suggests that the conversion to a sensitive state is possible, which will be an area of future research.

Further combinations

In addition to detailing how EZH2 interplays with tissue specific oncogenic pathways, Amy also led work from the SPECIFICANCER team showing how EZH2 cooperates with other epigenetic programs, further demonstrating how EZH2 exhibits tissue-specific effects. Published last year in PLOS BIOLOGY, Amy demonstrated the promise of combined EZH2 and histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibition in castration-resistant prostate cancers, an incurable form of the disease. In this case, combined inhibition allows the sequential demethylation and acetylation of histone H3, to allow derepression and induction of targets. In prostate, it is upregulation of ATF3, a transcription factor responsive to a wide range of cellular stresses, that is critical in mediating cancer cell death.

Supporting the research leaders of tomorrow

Throughout her time in Karen’s lab, Amy has been an integral member of the Cancer Grand Challenges Future Leaders community. Amy reflects, ‘It's been a great opportunity to get to know people from all over the world working on really different, important, exciting questions in cancer research and thinking about science in different ways than we do. Some people are more technology focused, some folks are thinking about early detection and prevention. These strategies are so different and the multi-disciplinary approaches I was exposed to really helped when thinking about how I sought to unravel the mechanism for my story.’

And in terms of her career Amy says, ‘It's been really great to talk to folks from other places to learn how they're preparing themselves for the next stage in their careers and getting a lot of different perspectives. That's helped me think about how I want to pursue my career as well.

Amy is currently applying to start her own lab, hoping to continue along the theme of her Nature paper, studying how manipulation of cell state and hijacking of differentiation processes could be used as a therapeutic strategy in breast cancer.

Amy is a superstar, as you can tell. She’s set up really well for starting her own lab and that is in great part due to Cancer Grand Challenges.

Karen Cichowski, Team SPECIFICANCER

We look forward to seeing what’s next for this stellar future leader whose work is already paving the way for a new era of precision oncology. 


Through Cancer Grand Challenges SPECIFICANCER is funded by Cancer Research UK and The Mark Foundation for Cancer Research. A portion of this work was also funded by the DOD Transformative Breast Cancer Consortium Award.

Article written by Rebecca Eccles with thanks to Amy Schade and Karen Cichowksi.

Hero image: CyCIF imaging of TNBC patient derived xenografts after treatment with EZH2 and AKT inhibitors displaying expression of luminal marker CK8 (magenta) and the apoptosis marker cleaved PARP (yellow)