
Pre-application webinar: everything you need to know about applying

25 May 2023
Text that says pre application webinar recording

In March 2023, we launched nine new challenges, with up to £20m funding for global research teams. This webinar features everything you need to know about the Cancer Grand Challenges application process

Hosted by Laurie Dudley, Cancer Research UK and Tony Dickherber, the National Cancer Institute, our pre-application webinar gives you the chance to learn more about the application process and what we’re looking for from Expressions of Interest, which close on 22 June 2023.

You can watch the full recording below and view the transcript here.

Applicant teams must complete an eligibility questionnaire by 15 June 2023 – questions detailed below – with Expressions of Interest due by 22 June 2023.

1.    Confirm that you are the Team Lead and that you already have an account in Cancer Research UK's Flexi-Grant.
2.    Have you spoken to a member of the Cancer Grand Challenges office team about your application already?
            a.    If yes: Do you know your unique reference number?
3.    Team Lead's full name
4.    Team Lead's email address
5.    Team Lead's Host Institution
6.    In which country is your institution based?
7.    Have you applied for funding via Cancer Grand Challenges in the past?
            a.    If yes: Which challenge did you apply to previously?
8.    Which cancer grand challenge is your team applying to address?
9.    List of team members who will address the challenge      
10.    To the best of your knowledge, are you or nor any of the team in receipt of research funding from the tobacco industry or have any links to the tobacco industry?
11.    Brief outline of the team’s approach to solving the cancer grand challenge             
12.    How did you hear about Cancer Grand Challenges?

If you are thinking of applying, we strongly encourage you to get in touch with us as soon as possible by email at [email protected] or by phone on +44 (0) 20 3469 8855. Find more information on how to apply on our website.